Thursday, January 28, 2010

All it took was a trivia night's worth of booze, a unique view of the San Francisco skyline, and a well/poorly placed tree.

Around midnight the Sunday before last I was returning to Treasure Island via the western half of San Francisco's Bay Bridge after a night of drinking with friends and family. At the site of Yerba Buena Island I was reminded of my intention of hiking around it's peak to take in some pristine views of the bay area many folks never take the time to see. After a few loops around the mountain we came near the top, parked the car and my friend Van, my brother Nick, and I exited the vehicle in search of a less tree lined position. We soon spotted an optimal spot but were nearly thwarted in reaching our destination by a medium hight chain-link fence. My brother quickly jumped over the hurdle graciously -as he is still spry and agile at the young age of 24. Upon my attempt to hop the fence I initially felt sure footed, however, while swinging my second leg over I lost my balance, fell, hit the steep ground and began to tumble backwards over myself multiple times.
Little did I realize at the time but I was tumbling towards somewhat of a cliff that would have deposited me right back on to the deck of the bridge I had just exited -after a rather long fall through the air. Alas, I stopped suddenly hitting the one tree that remained in the way of our view... and my death.
I few broken ribs, an awkward boost back over the fence and many shallow breaths later I am running late for work typing this up to you now because I'm spending much time in bed alone with my thoughts and I've realized that I am, in deed, ready to resume jotting down my awkward moments -typos and all.

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