Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bro... Part II

... continued


"Brotein" is a substance that is known to improve one's energy, strength, and mood. It is usually consumed in the form of a brotein shake or supplements ("supps") and leads to extreme upper-body strength (note: brotein is not shown to have any effect on any muscle groups other than the abs, chest, and arms).
Example: Yo, put some of the brotein powder in my drink so that I can get swoll.

Unlike its common-english equivalent, bromance is not for sissies. Instead, it refers to actions that reinforce bonds between bros. These actions include: chest bumps, hybrid handshake/hugs ("handshugs"), drawn out exclamations ("brrooo!!!"), and exchanging A&F muscle shirts. Bromance is also a type of movie where men push through conflicts and become extremely close in the end. Most of these movies feature Paul Rudd.
Example: Me and Chainsaw Mike are going to make bromance tonight.

To "broam" means to cruise the town looking to pick up women and have sex with them. Most broaming is done in a large SUV with loud rap music playing. Broaming usually occurs in locations heavily populated by alcohol vendors and social establishments.
Example: I think she lives near 19th street. Let's broam 'til we find her ass.

Brotary Club
Brotary Clubs are gatherings of bros who meet to play video games, watch bromance movies, and talk about women they would like to have sex with. There is generally an informal feel to these meetings, and they are usually convened by text message. Occasionally, Brotary Clubs have been known to reveal suppressed homosexual tendencies in participants.
Example: Yo, I just got the new Madden game- official meeting of the Brotary Club at 9 at my place.

To "brotest" is to express opposition to something based on its decidedly anti-bro characteristics. It is possible to brotest many things, but common targets of brotests include: getting a job, waking up before 2pm, not hitting women, and foods that require more than 3 ingredients.
Example: They are trying to legalize gay marriage so I'm going to brotest downtown.

A broment is a period of time where the focus is on all things bro. Broments vary in length, and different people experience different types of broments.
Example: Just a broment! I have to make some EZ Mac n' Cheese real quick.

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