Saturday, January 30, 2010

You go boy!

First off, I live in Cambridge now. More specifically than that I live in the neighborhood of Cambridge Port. Directly across the street from my house is a large old Church, roman columns and all, that is now being converted into condominiums. The awkwardness of the "place of worship turned pricey condo" alone is a whole other topic I'll address in a future post.
The church serves a funny backdrop for a very short awkward experience I had last night. It has a wide set of cement stairs leading up to the grand entrance. There is a mere five* steps coming to rest at the bottom of the four giant columns that support the roof of the structure but this did not stop the runner I witnessed last night from waxing triumphant.
As I was smoking a cigarette out front I saw a man sprinting in shorts, hoody and gloves in the frigid evening air. He was coming at me from Central square and as he neared the church he turned toward it sharply and scaled the measly five* steps. He then proceed to raise his hands in the air, execute three fists pumps and jump up in down in a direct reference to Philly's favorite fictional son. Next he let out a loud "wooooooooooooooHooooooooo." After which he lowered his hands and placed them in his pockets and continued walking down the street at a turtles pace shivering.
Thanks for the chuckle Rocky

*The front of the church is under construction and only the first five steps are accessible.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

All it took was a trivia night's worth of booze, a unique view of the San Francisco skyline, and a well/poorly placed tree.

Around midnight the Sunday before last I was returning to Treasure Island via the western half of San Francisco's Bay Bridge after a night of drinking with friends and family. At the site of Yerba Buena Island I was reminded of my intention of hiking around it's peak to take in some pristine views of the bay area many folks never take the time to see. After a few loops around the mountain we came near the top, parked the car and my friend Van, my brother Nick, and I exited the vehicle in search of a less tree lined position. We soon spotted an optimal spot but were nearly thwarted in reaching our destination by a medium hight chain-link fence. My brother quickly jumped over the hurdle graciously -as he is still spry and agile at the young age of 24. Upon my attempt to hop the fence I initially felt sure footed, however, while swinging my second leg over I lost my balance, fell, hit the steep ground and began to tumble backwards over myself multiple times.
Little did I realize at the time but I was tumbling towards somewhat of a cliff that would have deposited me right back on to the deck of the bridge I had just exited -after a rather long fall through the air. Alas, I stopped suddenly hitting the one tree that remained in the way of our view... and my death.
I few broken ribs, an awkward boost back over the fence and many shallow breaths later I am running late for work typing this up to you now because I'm spending much time in bed alone with my thoughts and I've realized that I am, in deed, ready to resume jotting down my awkward moments -typos and all.

Bro... Part II

... continued


"Brotein" is a substance that is known to improve one's energy, strength, and mood. It is usually consumed in the form of a brotein shake or supplements ("supps") and leads to extreme upper-body strength (note: brotein is not shown to have any effect on any muscle groups other than the abs, chest, and arms).
Example: Yo, put some of the brotein powder in my drink so that I can get swoll.

Unlike its common-english equivalent, bromance is not for sissies. Instead, it refers to actions that reinforce bonds between bros. These actions include: chest bumps, hybrid handshake/hugs ("handshugs"), drawn out exclamations ("brrooo!!!"), and exchanging A&F muscle shirts. Bromance is also a type of movie where men push through conflicts and become extremely close in the end. Most of these movies feature Paul Rudd.
Example: Me and Chainsaw Mike are going to make bromance tonight.

To "broam" means to cruise the town looking to pick up women and have sex with them. Most broaming is done in a large SUV with loud rap music playing. Broaming usually occurs in locations heavily populated by alcohol vendors and social establishments.
Example: I think she lives near 19th street. Let's broam 'til we find her ass.

Brotary Club
Brotary Clubs are gatherings of bros who meet to play video games, watch bromance movies, and talk about women they would like to have sex with. There is generally an informal feel to these meetings, and they are usually convened by text message. Occasionally, Brotary Clubs have been known to reveal suppressed homosexual tendencies in participants.
Example: Yo, I just got the new Madden game- official meeting of the Brotary Club at 9 at my place.

To "brotest" is to express opposition to something based on its decidedly anti-bro characteristics. It is possible to brotest many things, but common targets of brotests include: getting a job, waking up before 2pm, not hitting women, and foods that require more than 3 ingredients.
Example: They are trying to legalize gay marriage so I'm going to brotest downtown.

A broment is a period of time where the focus is on all things bro. Broments vary in length, and different people experience different types of broments.
Example: Just a broment! I have to make some EZ Mac n' Cheese real quick.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bro... Part I

MTV's new show "Jersey Shore" is taking the nation by storm. Young adults hailing from New Jersey are infesting college towns across the country, making the Asian long-horned beetle seem like a welcome dinner guest. While CDC researchers have not yet been able to develop a vaccine to protect against these invaders (or the STDs they often carry), researchers have begun to comprehend their antics and get a better grasp of who we are all up against. Perhaps most promising are the recent breakthroughs made by linguists in understanding the language of people from New Jersey.

The language is generally slurred and works best under the influence of Heineken's and Jagermeister. It is in its purest form at clubs, in bars, in hot tubs, and when shouted into a cell phone from 2-5 feet away. It also resonates the best from users who are wearing flat-brimmed baseball caps with a large shiny logo that is off-centered. Most male speakers have an unusually high pitch when speaking and utilize a variety of gesticulations to convey their point.

The language is characterized by the word "bro", which is derived from the common english word "brother". Although traditionally considered a term of endearment, "bro" is frequently combined with other terms to create new words and phrases that have varying meanings. A complete list has not yet been developed, but the following list provides some useful derivations of "bro":

"Bra" and "bro" are very similar, but nuances render the two not entirely interchangeable. "Bra" is generally used to greet a familiar person (or someone whose sister you have slept with), while "bro" is used for people who are less familiar.
Example: Hey bra, we haven't nailed bitches in weeks!

"Broseph" can have a variety of meanings, depending on the intention of the user. Most of the time, it is combined with the last name of a famous "Joseph" to highlight particular behaviors that the two may have in common. "Broseph Goebbels" is reserved for people who exhibit Nazi-like attributes, or for people who completely cramp your style. Similarly "Broseph Stalin" refers to a particularly ruthless person, or someone with a tremendous moustache and sense of paranoia. While both "Bro Namath" and "Bro Montana" allude to tremendously successful football quarterbacks, they are not terms of endearment, since neither player ever wore a Giants Uniform. There are various other forms of "broseph" that work within this language.
Example: Yo, that dude is slinging more ass than Broseph Smith [the founder of Mormonism]

Unlike "broseph", "brosephina" refers to someone who is acting like a sissy. Since it is generally still spoken to men, it is usually used to emasculate, and tends to provoke bro on bro violence.
Example: Yo brosephina, quit whining and come bash this dude's windshield in.

"Bronar" refers to one's ability to spot fly bitches in a public place. A good sense of bronar greatly improves a person's chance of getting his dick wet and further populating the state of New Jersey
Example: Sick bronar, bro. You saw that girl from a mile away!

Although it sounds like a tasty chocolaty treat, a brolo is flunitrazepam (aka a "Roofie") and is used to drug women who may seem less than flattered by repeated sexual advances in bars and clubs.
Example: Yo, slip that B a Rolo and let's jet.


List of Cars from Ford's Repertoire






Monday, January 25, 2010

A letter

Dear people who write answers to hypothetical questions posted on blog sites,

Perhaps you are missing the point. When a blogger posts pictures of animals sleeping in strange positions under the title "Have You Ever Been So Tired?", it is not an invitation for you to respond with "Ive definitly been thaaaaaat tired xD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Instead, the blogger was using that question to highlight how silly the sleeping animals seem. Your answer adds nothing to the experience, and suggests that you may be hovering around the lower limit of social intelligence. Please stop,


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Luke-warm Wisdom

On a recent journey through the web looking for interesting sites, I came across a blogger who posted "88 Important Truths I've Learned About Life" (from the site, whose tagline is "Getting Better at Being Human"). While I adore the internet for its many hidden wonders, I do not enjoy the musings of retards with keyboards (irony noted and immediately dispelled: I am always right). I have decided to post responses to several of these lessons. Let this be a warning to anyone else who wants to fill the airwaves with useless, fluffy shit.

1. You can't change other people, and it's rude to try.
Incorrect. People are as malleable as playdough, and changing them is easy and commonplace. Beyond literally changing babies (which, I'm told, are mini-people) and drawing on someone's face when they fall asleep to change their appearance, there are many ways that people can be changed "on the inside". Try telling someone that you admire their fat rolls (especially if they don't really have any) and see if they start acting differently.

8. If everyone in the show you’re watching is good-looking, it’s not worth watching.

Has this person seen Baywatch? Or Desperate Housewives? Not to mention that its pretty ironic for someone this preachy and self-important to discuss TV shows as his #8 important truth about life. Attractive actors is the third most important factor about a show's quality (behind drug references and cursing).

11. Every problem you have is your responsibility, regardless of who caused it.
No way. Most problems are Jack Bauer's responsibility.

16. Cynicism is far too easy to be useful.
Really? I am finding quite a bit of use for mine.

25. Putting something off makes it instantly harder and scarier.
I disagree. Putting something off makes it harder and scarier later on

32. The greatest innovation in the history of humankind is language.
Language is pretty important. It has led to even more important inventions like sarcasm, curse words, and those plastic singing fish that you mount on your wall. But there have been lots of other important innovations that have improved the human condition immensely: string cheese, jean shorts, spiders, and rockets, to name a few. I don't think language can top those.

68. It is worth re-trying foods that you didn’t like at first.
By this logic, the second and third seasons of Fear Factor should have been a success.

76. Sometimes you have to remove certain people from your life, even if they’re family.
I'm not sure this tactic worked too well for O.J.'s image. But I suppose it was his methods that got him into trouble. This tidbit of advice would be infinitely more helpful if the author discussed the proper ways to remove people from your life.

77. Anyone can be calmed in an instant by looking at the ocean or the stars.
But not at the sun. Which is a star. So, no. Looking at certain stars is extremely unnerving.

... There are many others, but my head is starting to spin.


Friday, January 8, 2010

CNN poll

A CNN quick poll from today asks:

"Has the nation's cold snap affected you?"
__ Yes
__ No

... I can't wait to see the results on that one