Sunday, May 10, 2009

Subway Stabbing Sparks International Incident

On the "T" last night three attractive ladies strolled on to the train dressed to the nines and headed out to party. From what I could tell they were international students, and Indian, an Aussie and a Brit. I know it sounds like I'm setting up a joke... well I guess I am but not in the way you think.

At the next stop a young lady carrying multiple bags wobbled onto the train and stood there looking exhausted. Something about the expression on her face made me feel bad for her -she was miserable as she stood there in flip flops and a dress being contorted by the various straps from the bags she was carrying. We hit central square a couple of minutes later and the train cleared out a little and she plopped down next to the international students. When we neared Harvard the internacionals stood up to leave and the train came to a stop causing them to have to take a step back to brace themselves. At that moment the tired lady screamed out in pain and startled everyone. The Aussie had accidental dug the heal of her stiletto into the top of the already flustered ladies foot.

The Aussie leaned over and apologized profusely. I was sitting directly across from the injured woman and could see the look on her face. She said nothing, she just stared up at the pretty Australian with a look on her face I could never imagine anybody making who wasn't on stage or in front of a camera. It was as if the Aussie woman killed her baby. The Brit and Indian woman eventually pulled the Aussie away before the doors closed and we started moving again. The train car was dead silent.

As we neared porter the lady started to shed a few tears as she reached for her foot. The doors opened and she slowly stood. It took her forever to leave the train, at least it felt like forever. It was as if everyone was watching out of the corner of their eye as she limped towards the exit -holding their breath until she was gone.

I felt terrible for her but she had certainly not been able to muster the strength to accept the Aussie woman's apology for what was obviously an accident. Something about this bothered me. Given the similar reaction from the rest of the train I have to believe we were all kinda thinking the same thing.


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