Sunday, May 3, 2009

Room Available

The past few weeks have been a little sad. Some very good friends of mine have moved from Boston and from the house in Somerville we all stay in. I had to find someone to sublet for the summer for Meredith's room and she seems cool. She'll be in May 15th and I'm sure will become a character in our ever expending cast of Awkwardnaughts. Dave is moving to North Carolina, where he will STILL be writing for The AwkWord, but his absence will be a crushing blow to my fun quotient. Luckily I like my co-workers and well, needless to say, they are a never ending source for both fun times and awkward moments to blurb.

Dave's impending departure for the south has us on our second wild roommate chase in as many weeks. This craigslist aided process is awkward in and of itself. Lets' take a closer look.

First off the notion of trying to condense yourself down to a few paragraphs is pretty ridiculous. You can end up taking yourself too seriously and causing soon-to-be-homeless people everywhere to roll there eyes and click next or you can end up being the guy who writes "Room avail. downtown. $650 + utilities. No goldfish". Neither of these scenarios will produce results for your search.

After settling on what details your add should include and editing out those that are not necessary it's time to sit back and sift through the few dozen weird responses and scams to fine the few genuine people who actually read your add and are looking for a place in your area, not Turkestan.

Of these remaining applicants most will have too little personality or too many cats. The ones that show promise are then invited to come see the place... a meet and greet if you will. These are always... well you know what they are.

"Hey how's it goin'? This is the room, sorry it's a little messy right now. Any questions for me? Oh yeah I love to cook. Oh no, no cable just internet. What kind of roommate are you? Yeah, i guess that's kind of an odd question. (I can't tell if you like the place or not and I'm starting to repeat myself) Thanks for comin'. Oh here's my number. I'll walk you out. Oh yeah there's off street parking. Thanks again, yeah have a good one. I'll be in touch. bye."

I hope I don't have to do this again for a while. To Charlotte and Meredith who lived here, and Carney and all the others who stayed here for days or weeks at a time over the last few months I miss your company and all the antics. Awkward moments are better when shared with others.

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