Thursday, July 16, 2009

Moon Hoax

Apparently, 6% of Americans still believe we never landed on the moon.

That's remarkably discouraging, given that these 19 million or so people probably go through life thinking there is nothing wrong with them. Well, there is.

To completely disregard one of the most astonishing feats of human kind is to trivialize a branch of science that has provided us with incredible discoveries, state-of-the-art technologies, and clever inventions. NASA's contributions to "everyday society" are enormous- many of these contributions are a direct result of our efforts to go farther than we ever have before. Namely, to the moon.

Advances in medicine including: MRI's, Laser eye surgery, and prosthetic limbs have benefited millions of people.

Smoke detectors, ergonomically-designed chairs, drinking water purifiers, and satellite television have improved the safety and comfort of home living.

Bar codes, invisible braces, fire-resistant materials, memory-foam mattresses, sun glasses, ski boots, football helmets, and toothpaste were also all direct results of NASA research.

And the list goes on...

... So denying such an event, while taking these items for granted is obtuse, ill-informed, and stupid. But that goes without saying. The entertaining bit is the conviction with which these views are expressed and the attempted "scientific" explanations used to express them! At the risk of giving these people any undeserved attention, it is worth looking at a few of their claims. [Taken from, which is authored by a "self-taught" engineer].
  • One NASA picture from Apollo 11 is looking up at Neil Armstrong about to take his giant step for mankind. The photographer must have been lying on the planet surface. If Armstrong was the first man on the Moon, then who took the shot?
  • Apollo 14 astronaut Allen Shepard played golf on the Moon. In front of a worldwide TV audience, Mission Control teased him about slicing the ball to the right. Yet a slice is caused by uneven air flow over the ball. The Moon has no atmosphere and no air.
  • The flags shadow goes behind the rock so doesn't match the dark line in the foreground, which looks like a line cord. So the shadow to the lower right of the spaceman must be the flag. Where is his shadow?
The answer to these barely warrants the attention of the gang from "Blue's Clues" on Nickelodeon. But these are living, breathing people that refuse to accept the moon landing. I vote that we take them all up to the moon to verify we've done it... And then leave them all there


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