Thursday, April 9, 2009

Catch and Release

It feels good to be loved. No doubt about that. Love from friends, family, spouses, and even strangers is the bees knees...sometimes.

When that love comes from a someone you work with, well that is just a recipe for awkwardness.

Some context: In the last week several people close to me at work have decided to quit their jobs. Their reasons for quitting are completely legitimate- from having to do a variety of mundane, demeaning tasks to the most obvious reason: our job fucking sucks. I support them in their decision and in many ways, I am envious of their newfound freedom. Many of our colleagues across the country have also decided to duck out.

But their departure leaves even fewer of us around. And the organization that has dragged us all through the mud over the past months is beginning to realize something is wrong with the situation. So after countless years of dismissing the "quitters" as being somehow weaker than the rest of them, they are atleast partially changing their tune.

...So now we are loved. Very loved. In a last ditch effort to make sure us "leftovers" are happy, our directors are convening meetings, hopping on conference calls, and drafting up plans to swap some of the organization rigidity that we have come to know with coolness. And its awkward as crap.

Imagine your parents throwing on a doo rag and rapping along to Tupac to show off to your friends. Its kindof like that.

My staff director talked to me about girls and baseball in the same sentence. I got two high-fives in one meeting. I think I might be able to get some of the senior staff to give me a back massage. Its like I am holding my happiness ransom, and they are making some big offers to get it released.

...The jokes on them. I will be sporting a moustache in the office next week.


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