Thursday, April 9, 2009


Its time you learned about the moment the AwkWord was conceived...

Raw and I were sitting at a bar in Washington DC only a few blocks from the White House (or as we like to call it, the "Maison Blanc"- not to be confused with the "Chateau Blanc" or White Castle, where you can get 12 burgers for $3). We had discussed starting a blog, and were satisfied with the idea that our awkward experiences would be the meat of it.

In fact, by that night, Raw and I had talked about awkward moments a lot- rediculous interactions with coworkers, old sex stories, and downright unbearable situations. This particular night, Raw and I were sitting next to each other at the bar brainstorming ideas about the blog. We were using a napkin to jot down some themes, but needed a pen.

Two girls had just sat down next to us, but we were not really paying attention. I turned to one of them and asked if they had something to write with. Without much hesitance (and no awkwardness), she reached into her purse and passed me a pen. We jotted down a few ideas, and I handed back the pen. It was at this point that I got a look at them- both attractive women in either their late teens or early 20's (tsssssss... or is it "phhffffffft"?).

Being the mature person that I am, I just smiled back and thanked them. The more attractive of the two responded with a question, which I didn't hear. She hopped up and slid into the seat directly next to me...

It became immediately apparent that she was flirting with me. I can't say that I have a lot of experience with girls hitting on me, but it was pretty clear. She asked me what job I had and where I was from, and even made some remark about my accent (which I dont have). I answered all her questions, and was somewhat perplexed by her forwardness.

An aside: Ladies... you are all crazy.

After some time, the girl put her hand on my thigh and asked: "when was the last time you slept with a teenager?" (whhaaa?!?!?!?!) She then gave me the "look", summoning all of the world's energy into a stare that would have gotten James Bond to cluck like a chicken.

Ladies... you are all crazy.

I remained strong and engaged in a few more minutes of back and forth. Then, just as quickly as it started, she and her friend decided to head out to a house party. The girl grabbed the napkin we had been using to jot down blog ideas and scribbled her name and number. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the bar.

...The AwkWord was born.

-Dave and Raw

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