Friday, April 17, 2009

One embarrassing moment leads to another.

A friend of mine was hosting a co-worker at her house who was in town on business. A few days later she thought her house guest had left for home and was less then thorough in picking up after herself. Upon arriving home that evening she found her roommate on the couch next to the open door to her bedroom which contained her bed that had her vibrator sitting on it. Ouch... cringe... haHA! Did the house guest spy the ragged rod or not!? You be the judge!

The same friend showed up in Boston a couple of days ago and we were going over her embarrassing moment. I asked her how big it was and she proceeded to use her fingers spaced apart to indicate the phoney member's length. When her fingers reached a distance from each other roughly the length of a baby gherkin she said "like this, it's small" I instinctively replied "Hey that's average!"



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